Dielectric Grease For Battery Terminal Corrosion (6 Steps)

If you need to stop your battery terminals from corroding, then you may have heard that dielectric grease is one of the prevention measures. In this article, not only will you find out the pros and cons of using dielectric grease on battery terminals, but you’ll also learn how to apply it effectively, what you can use instead of dielectric grease, and other frequently asked questions as well!

So keep reading to find out everything you need to know!

Is Dielectric Grease Good For Battery Terminal Corrosion?

Contrary to what you might think, dielectric grease is a great way to prevent your battery terminals from corroding. And you may think that because it doesn’t conduct electricity, it will stop your battery from working properly.

In fact, quite the opposite is going to happen. When you apply dielectric grease to your battery terminals, most of it will come out when you’re tightening the terminal up. However, the grease that’s left will fill in all the little spaces and make the terminals themselves much more corrosion-resistant.

Advantages Of Dielectric Grease On Battery Terminals

If you plan on using dielectric grease on your battery terminals, the advantages include:

  • Of course, the main benefit of dielectric grease on your battery’s terminals is that it’s going to prevent corrosion from happening.
  • Because corrosion and rust aren’t going to happen when you’re applying dielectric grease, it’s also going to improve the lifespan of your battery as well.
  • On top of this, dielectric grease also prevents dirt and debris from affecting the connection of your batteries as well.

Disadvantages Of Dielectric Grease On Battery Terminals

As well as plenty of advantages to using dielectric grease on battery terminals, there are also some disadvantages as well! These disadvantages include:

  • If dielectric grease is left on plastic, it will begin to break them down over time. So when you’re applying it to your battery terminals, make sure you’re avoiding any parts that are made from plastic.
  • Because it’s not a conductor of electricity, if it’s not applied properly, it may also cause the car battery to stop performing properly.
Charging car battery with electricity trough jumper cables with copper clamps attached for start engine car

How To Use Dielectric Grease On Battery Terminals?

If you plan on using dielectric grease on battery terminals, then here’s a step-by-step guide on what you’ll need to do to apply it effectively!

  1. Before anything, you should make sure you’re disconnecting your battery from the car. When you do this, make sure you’re disconnecting the negative terminal first, followed by the positive terminal.
  2. Now the battery has been disconnected, you can begin getting to work. Use a stiff bristle brush to clean the battery terminals and remove any dirt and grime that may have built up.
  3. If the terminals have already corroded and rusted slightly, you should also scrub the clamps with a mixture of baking soda and water. (Find out more here)
  4. Now that you’ve cleaned the terminals sufficiently, you should dry them thoroughly
  5. Once you’re sure the battery terminals are clean, you can begin applying dielectric grease. To apply dielectric grease to your battery terminals, place some of it onto the brush’s bristles and then begin adding it to the terminals themselves.
  6. Now all you need to do is reconnect your battery back to your car. To do this, start with the positive battery terminal before connecting the negative terminal.

Remember, when you’re applying dielectric grease, less is more. If you add too much dielectric grease, it may end up blocking the flow of electricity from the battery to the car.

Is There Anything Else You Can Use Instead Of Dielectric Grease?

Because dielectric grease isn’t a good conductor of electricity, when you use too much, you may end up causing problems with the car’s electrical systems until it’s been removed. Fortunately, there are plenty of other things you can use to stop corrosion on your car’s battery terminals instead! So why not try the following:

Anti-Corrosion Spray

You can buy spray specifically for anti-corrosion, so why not try that on your car’s battery terminals instead. WD-40 is frequently used for this purpose. And if you’re looking for anti-corrosion in particular, then it’s going to be far more effective than dielectric grease.

Lithium Grease

You can also add lithium grease to your car’s battery terminals with great success as well! And just like anti-corrosion spray, not only will lithium grease prevent corrosion, but it will also not interfere with the conductivity of the battery terminals either!

Petroleum Jelly

Lastly, petroleum jelly such as Vaseline can also be placed on the terminals of your battery to prevent corrosion as well! Remember, when adding petroleum jelly, less is more, and even a modest amount if going to be perfect for preventing corrosion!

When Should You Avoid Using Dielectric Grease?

If you think that the dielectric grease you’re going to use will come into contact with plastic and rubber, then you should avoid using it as it will begin to degrade it over time. It’s also not recommended to put too much dielectric grease on anything electricity needs to be conducted through. And when you do, use it sparingly, and ensure a connection can still occur between the surfaces.


Here are some other frequently asked questions people have about adding dielectric grease to their battery terminals!

Can You Use Silicone Grease Instead Of Dielectric Grease?

Oftentimes, silicone grease and dielectric grease are extremely similar in nature. However, various additives may have been added to each depending on what they were intended for. Because of this, you can use silicone in grease instead of dielectric grease.

Is Vaseline The Same As Dielectric Grease?

No, Vaseline is not the same as dielectric grease. Vaseline is petroleum jelly, and while both can be used on your car’s battery terminals, they’re definitely not the same. One of the main differences between the two is that Vaseline doesn’t hold up nearly as well when exposed to heat as dielectric grease does.

What’s The Difference Between Dielectric Grease And Regular Grease?

Regular grease is often used for lubrication, whereas dielectric grease is not. Because of this regular grease and dielectric grease have both been created to serve different purposes, and regular grease is not recommended for corrosion prevention

What’s The Difference Between Dielectric Grease And Electrical Grease?

As you can guess by the name, the main difference between dielectric grease and electrical grease is its ability to conduct electricity. Electrical grease conducts electricity well, whereas dielectric grease doesn’t.


As you can see, dielectric grease is a great way to stop corrosion on your car’s battery terminals. However, it isn’t necessarily the best choice, and if you do plan on using it, you should use it sparingly to ensure a connection can still occur.

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