How To Warm Up A Car Battery

If you’re wondering how to warm up a car battery, then you’ve found the right article. In this article, not only will you find out how to keep your car battery warm normally, but you’ll also learn how to keep it warm during the winter and on especially cold nights!

So keep reading to find out everything you need to know!

How To Warm Up A Car Battery

If you need to warm up a car battery, there are several different things you can do.

Use A Heating Blanket

A heating blanket is a great way to warm up a car battery. Place the blanket around the battery for about 2 – 3 hours. This will help to get the battery warm and kick-start its charge.

Use An Engine Block Heater

If you don’t have a heating blanket, an engine block heater can also help to warm up a car battery. You’ll need to attach the heater to the engine block and plug it in for a few hours.

Move It To A Warm Room

If neither of the above is an option, you can try taking the battery out of the car and moving it to a warm room. This will help it warm up, but it will take longer to warm up than the previous two options.

Let The Sun Heat It Up

Finally, if you can’t move the battery indoors, then let the sun do its work. Place the battery in direct sunlight for a few hours, and it should warm up enough to get your car going again.

No matter how you choose to warm up your car battery, make sure to do it safely and keep any combustible materials away from the battery. And remember, if your car battery isn’t warming up at all, then it may be time for a new one. Good luck!

A car mechanic replaces a battery.

How Long Does It Take A Car Battery To Warm Up Inside?

It depends on how warm the room is, how much direct sunlight it gets, and how close the battery is to some kind of heat source. Generally speaking, you can expect it to take anywhere from 3-6 hours for a car battery to warm up inside.

How Long Does It Take For A Cold Battery To Warm Up?

It depends on how cold the battery is and what method you use to warm it up. A heating blanket typically takes 2-3 hours, an engine block heater can take up to 4 hours, moving it to a warm room can take 3-6 hours, and letting the sun do its work can take anywhere from 1-4 hours.

How To Keep Car Battery Warm Overnight & In Winter

Use A Battery Blanket

Using a heating blanket or battery blanket is the best way to keep your car battery warm overnight and in winter. This wraps around the battery and keeps it at a consistent temperature, preventing it from getting too cold during chilly nights.

Park In A Warm Spot

If you don’t have a battery blanket, try to park your car in a warm spot. This will help keep your car battery from getting too cold during the night and can be especially useful during winter months.

Use An Engine Block Heater

An engine block heater is another great way to keep your car battery warm overnight and in winter. This plugs into the wall and provides a steady source of heat for your car battery, helping it stay at a consistent temperature throughout the night.

Park Out Of The Elements

Finally, try to park your car in such a way that it is not exposed to the elements. If your car is parked outdoors, make sure it’s as sheltered from wind and rain as possible to help keep the battery warm.


Here are some frequently asked questions that people have about warming up their car’s battery.

Can You Pour Hot Water On A Car Battery?

Yes, you can pour hot water on a car battery as long as the water is not boiling. This will help warm up the battery quicker, but make sure to exercise caution when doing so.


Warming up a car battery can be done in several different ways. A heating blanket, an engine block heater, moving it to a warm room and letting the sun do its work are all effective methods of warming up your battery.

Additionally, you can use a battery blanket or park in a warm spot to keep your car battery warm overnight and in winter. Just make sure to exercise caution when handling your car battery and be aware of how long each method takes so you don’t end up stranded on the side of the road!

Hopefully, this article has helped answer any questions you have about how to warm up a car battery. Good luck, and stay safe out there!

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