What To Do When Your Car Battery Died With An Interlock

If your cat battery died with an interlock, then you may be wondering what you can do to fix the issue. Fortunately, when this does happen, the solution is quite simple. In this article, not only will you find out what to do if your battery died with an interlock, but you’ll also learn why it happened and much more!

So keep reading to find out everything you need to know!

Does Ignition Interlock Drain Your Battery?

Ignition interlock will drain your car’s battery but very slowly. A healthy battery would need to be left switched off for around 10 consecutive days before the battery would struggle to turn your car on.

Why Did Your Car Battery Die In Interlock?

If your car battery died with an interlock, there are actually a few reasons this could have happened. And in fact, most of the time, it’s very little to do with the interlock itself. Some common reasons that your car battery might have died include:

Faulty Wiring

Sometimes the wiring connecting to or from your interlock is faulty; it could be using too much power and draining your battery faster.


If your car has been overheating, it could also be causing an extra strain on the battery and slowly draining it until it’s too weak to start the car.

Improper Maintenance

If you haven’t been properly maintaining your car’s battery by keeping it clean and making sure the terminals are tight and secure, it could also be contributing to a gradual power drain.


If your alternator is overcharging, it can cause the battery to become overwhelmed and eventually die.

Bad Contacts

If the contacts on your battery are corroded or loose, it can also result in an insufficient charge.

A Bad Alternator

If your alternator is not working properly, it can fail to charge the battery and thus cause it to die, in combination with the excess power the interlock is using will drain the battery much faster

A Low Quality Battery

If you have a low-quality battery, it could be dying faster than usual due to the extra power drawn from the ignition interlock.

High Electrical Demand From Other Accessories

High electrical demand from other accessories in combination with your interlock could be putting too much strain on your battery and slowly draining it until it dies.

Charging car with electricity trough cables

How Do You Fix A Car Battery That Died With Interlock?

If your car battery dies with an interlock, then the best thing you can do is jump it or charge it back up. If you’re not confident enough to do this yourself, then it’s best to take it to a professional who can properly diagnose the problem and make sure your car is running properly again.

It’s also important to check the wiring going to and from your interlock, as well as make sure any other accessories or components in your car are working properly.

Once you’ve jumped or charged up the battery, it’s best to take a look at the battery itself and make sure all contacts are clean, tight, and secure. If you notice any corrosion or looseness, then it’s best to replace the battery as soon as possible.

Finally, make sure the interlock is working properly, and it isn’t draining your car’s battery any more than necessary. If you notice that it is, then it might be best to replace the interlock with a newer, more efficient model.

How Do I Stop My Interlock From Draining My Battery?

The best way to prevent your interlock from draining your car’s battery is to make sure you’re properly maintaining it. This means keeping the wiring tight, clean, and secure, as well as making sure the contacts on your battery are also clean and tight.

You should also make sure your car’s alternator is charging the battery properly, as well as checking any other accessories in your car that might be drawing too much power.

Finally, if you notice that your interlock is draining too much power even when everything else is in good working order, then it might be time to replace the interlock with a newer, more efficient model.

So What’s The Best Thing To Do About Interlock Battery Problems

If you’re having trouble with your interlock battery, the first step is to check the wiring going to and from it, as well as make sure the contacts are clean and secure.

Sometimes the interlock may just be old, faulty, or inefficient. When this is the case, the best thing to do is just replace it.


Here are some frequently asked questions that people have about what to do when their car battery dies with an interlock!

Can You Jumpstart A Car With An Interlock Device?

Yes, it is possible to jumpstart a car with an interlock device. You will just need to make sure the wiring and contacts are clean and tight, as well as make sure the interlock is functioning properly.

Can You Charge A Car Battery With An Interlock?

Yes, you can charge a car battery with an interlock, but it’s best to do this with the help of a professional. They should be able to properly diagnose the problem and make sure your car is running properly again.

Will A Car Battery Die Quicker With An Interlock?

Yes, a car battery can die quicker with an interlock if it’s not properly maintained or if the alternator is not charging the battery correctly.

Can You Disconnect A Battery With An Interlock?

Yes, you can disconnect a battery with an interlock, but it’s best to check the manual beforehand to make sure it’s safe to do so. You should also make sure the wiring and contacts are clean and tight before reconnecting them.


Car batteries can die with interlocks, but the best way to fix this is to jump it or charge it back up. It’s also important to check the wiring, make sure the battery contacts are secure and clean, and ensure that any accessories or components in your car are running properly.

If you notice that the interlock is draining too much power even when everything else is in good working order, then it might be best to replace it with a newer model.

Overall, it’s best to properly maintain your interlock and make sure everything is running smoothly for optimal performance. With a little bit of care, you can make sure your car is running smoothly and safely for years to come.

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