8 Reasons Your Car Battery Is Bubbling (& What To Do)

If your car battery is bubbling, then you’re going to have concerns. In this article, not only will you find out why your car battery is bubbling, but you’ll also learn what the effects are going to be and how to prevent it from happening again in the future!

So keep reading to find out everything you need to know!

Why Is Your Car Battery Bubbling?

Here are all the different reasons that your car battery could be bubbling! Keep reading to find out what you can do about it!


Overcharging car batteries can cause them to bubble and boil over. It’s not exactly the best look for your car, but the bubbling car battery is a sure sign that something’s not right. When car batteries are left in an overcharged state, they produce hydrogen gas that escapes through vents at the top of the battery. This gas builds up and causes the car battery to bubble. If you’re seeing lots of bubbling car batteries, it may be time to check your car’s charging system.

The Battery Has Been Overfilled

Some car batteries are designed to be topped off with water. It’s important to do this right because too much water can cause the car battery to bubble and boil over. If you’ve recently added too much water, it may be the culprit of your car battery bubbling problem.

Defective Alternator

If your car battery is constantly overcharged, it could be a sign that you have a defective alternator. Alternators are responsible for keeping car batteries charged while the car is running. If the alternator isn’t working properly, it will cause car batteries to become overcharged and start bubbling.

A Weak Battery

Sometimes car batteries can become so weak that they are unable to hold a charge. This can lead to the car battery bubbling and boiling over. If you’ve noticed your car battery bubbling, it may be time for a replacement.

The Wrong Charger

Charging car batteries with the wrong charger can also cause them to bubble and boil over. It’s important to make sure that you’re using the right charger for your car battery. Otherwise, you may be damaging your car battery and causing it to bubble.

The Temperature In The Engine Bay Is Too High

High temperatures in the engine bay can cause car batteries to overheat and bubble. If you live in a hot climate, it’s important to make sure that your car battery isn’t getting too hot. Otherwise, it may start bubbling and boiling over.

The Cooling System Is Malfunctioning

Your car’s cooling system is designed to keep your car battery at a consistent temperature. If it’s not working properly, it could cause the car battery to overheat and bubble. Make sure that you get your car’s cooling system checked regularly to make sure that it isn’t malfunctioning.

Portrait of male mechanic carrying car battery in workshop
There’s A Large Draw On The Battery

If you’re seeing your car battery bubbling, it could be caused by a big draw on the battery. Large car accessories can put a large strain on car batteries, and if the draw is too much for the car battery to handle, it could cause it to overheat, ending in bubbling and boiling over.

What Are The Effects Of Battery Bubbling?

If your battery is bubbling, then you may notice the following effects:

Battery Plates Corrosion

The most common effect of car battery bubbling is corrosion on the car battery’s plates. This can lead to a shorter car battery life and weakened performance.

Unreliable Performance

A bubbling car battery can also cause your car to have an unreliable performance. If you notice that your car is suddenly having trouble starting or staying charged, it could be because of a bubbling car battery.

Reduced Battery Capacity

A car battery bubbling can cause a reduced capacity in the car battery. This means that it won’t be able to store as much charge and could lead to more frequent car battery replacements.

Battery Acid Spillage

Car batteries can also spill acid when they’re overcharged and bubbling. This can be extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. If you notice a car battery bubbling, it’s important to take action immediately to prevent any acid spills.

Ventilation Issues

Bubbling car batteries can cause ventilation issues in your car. This is because the car battery gasses build up and have nowhere to escape. If you notice that your car is suddenly having ventilation issues, it could be caused by a car battery bubbling problem.


If car battery bubbling isn’t taken care of, it can lead to a short circuit in the car batteries. This can cause electrical problems and even pose a fire hazard. It’s important to address car battery bubbling issues immediately to prevent any serious damage.


In rare cases, car batteries that are overcharged and overheated can explode and cause severe damage to the car and its surroundings. This is an extreme risk, and car battery bubbling should be taken seriously to avoid any explosions.

How To Prevent A Battery From Bubbling When It’s Charging?

If your battery is bubbling while you’re charging it, there are several things you can do to prevent it from happening.

Use Of Smart Chargers

Smart car chargers are designed to only charge car batteries up to their current capacity. This means that they won’t overcharge the car battery and cause it to bubble.

Check Battery Voltage

Before you start charging your car battery, make sure to check the voltage of the car battery. Overcharged car batteries can bubble, so if the car battery is already at its maximum voltage, don’t charge it any further.

Replace Old Batteries

Old car batteries are more prone to bubbling, so if your car battery is older than three years, it might be time to replace it.

Monitor Battery Temperature

If you’re charging your car battery, make sure to monitor the car battery temperature. If it’s getting too hot or bubbling, turn off the charger immediately and let the car battery cool down before attempting to charge it again.

Use The Right Charge Current

Finally, make sure to use the right charge current for your car battery. If the car battery is too weak, then using a higher charge current could cause it to bubble.

Test The Alternator

If car battery bubbling continues to happen, it could be a sign that your car alternator might be the problem. Make sure to test the car alternator and have it replaced if necessary.

Test Battery Cells

If car battery bubbling is still happening, it might be a sign that the car battery cells are faulty. Make sure to test the car battery cells and replace any that are not working properly.


Here are some frequently asked questions people have about their car battery bubbling!

Car Battery Making Bubbling Noise While Charging?

If your car battery is making a bubbling noise while it’s charging, it could be a sign that the car battery is overcharging and overheating. Make sure to turn off the car charger and let the car battery cool down before attempting to charge it again.

Water Bubbling Out Of Car Battery When Charging?

If you see water bubbling out of the car battery when charging, it could be a sign that the car battery is overcharging and overheating. Make sure to turn off the car charger and let the car battery cool down before attempting to charge it again.

Is It Ok If A Car Battery Is Bubbling While Charging?

No, car battery bubbling while charging is not ok and should be avoided at all costs. Make sure to turn off the car charger and let the car battery cool down before attempting to charge it again.

Car Battery Making Bubbling Noise When Turned Off?

If your car is bubbling after you’ve turned it off, then it could be because the electrolyte levels are too low. As well as this, it could also be that the cell has shorted, or the alternator is overcharging the battery when it’s on.

Why Are Your Battery Cells Bubbling When You Trickle Charge Your Battery?

If your car battery is bubbling when you’re trickle-charging it, then it could be because you’re using a faulty charger that is overcharging the battery. As well as this, it could also be because you set the charge rate too high.

Why Is Your Car Battery Smoking And Bubbling?

If your car battery is smoking and bubbling, then it could be because the car battery has been overcharged. As well as this, it could also be that the car alternator is faulty and is not regulating the charge rate correctly.

Why Are Your Car Battery Terminals Bubbling?

If your car battery terminals are bubbling, then it could be because the car battery has been overcharged. As well as this, it could also be that the car alternator is faulty and is not regulating the charge rate correctly. Make sure to check and replace any faulty car batteries or car alternators if necessary.


Car battery bubbling is an indication that something is wrong with your car battery or car alternator. Make sure to monitor your car battery temperature while charging, use the right charge current and replace any old car batteries to avoid car battery bubbling. Also, test the car alternator and car battery cells if car bubbling continues to occur.

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